Friday, January 30, 2015

Frozen Cookie Dough!

Hey it's MarilynTheChef, I want to ask a question? Are cookies healthy? Are they a get fit no-no? Well here's my opinion. Chemicals, radical diets and excessive stress eating leads to an unbalanced body. We become unhealthy when we stop exercising, which promotes blood circulation. 

Let's start making meals at home and eliminating the boxes and packages in our cupboards and refrigerators. Natural fat works with our body's chemistry. 

Where are your Chocolate Chip Cookies coming from, packages or things around the house?

 Do you have things like:

1 1/2 cups of Unbleached All Purpose Flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup unsalted butter (room temperature)
1 1/2 cup of light brown sugar
1/2 cup of raw sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
3 cups steel cut oats
1 1/2 cups dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup sweetened shredded coconut

Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Get a bowl for your flour, baking powder and salt in a small bowl, let's call it the flour bowl. Take a separate medium to large bowl, place all sugar and butter inside and blend until fluffy. Now add eggs and vanilla. Drop in the flour bowl ingredients, the oats and chocolate chips. Stir together. 

Do you see the dough now? Are you excited? Make mini meatballs with the dough, place on a cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Now take the rest and freeze it in a zip lock bag or air tight container for up to 30 days.  Makes two dozen. Cut into the frozen dough as often as you want, just reseal it properly. Enjoy!

Eat Well not Less! Live Long, not Hard and build a Divine Appetite.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Who's The Boss?

Good Evening, it's MarilynTheChef. This was on my mind today and I had to share. Do not allow your taste buds to steal your health! Everything is trainable. Allow your palate to be Reborn! 

One method I have, is putting herbs in my seltzer water. Dill, Basil, Mint, Cilantro, it's up to you. Yeah I know it sounds strange, but it's not, well maybe a little, just try it. Do a rough chop and sprinkle into your glass. Spin it around and sip to your hearts content! Change in your daily diet is what brings life to generations to come! 

If you stick to this morning routine, you will be amazed. Day by day your palate will begin to embrace strong flavors and need salty or sweet much less. You are in control of your body! Be a faithful leader and show those tastebuds who's the boss! 

Eat Well, Not Less! Live Long, Not Hard and build a Divine Appetite!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Marriage of Mind and Body

Hey guys, it can seem like a long road, when most of your life you have made unhealthy choices. It really can, but appreciating its purpose is your fuel. Admire the intrinsic value of your journey! Get excited that you desire healthy living! Be ecstatic your mind is listening to your body! They are in a Marriage and it's reconciliation time baby!

Ok, so you divorced your body for some time or maybe it was a short separation, ok, but now you're in therapy! Now, like a marriage between two people, healing begins! You must make up in your mind that without a shadow of a doubt, this relationship is what you want! Even if at the moment, it's not. Walk in Faith, Love and Purpose! How you eat, begins in your mind!

Day by day enjoy eating, no matter what you choose to eat. Never call it cheating or off my diet. Living healthy is not a Prison Sentence, a fad or about weight loss, it's a union. The first step is love. Love yourself and those around you so change will be inevitable!

I leave you with this question, "Do you love you?"

Eat Well, Not Less! Live Long, Not Hard and build a Divine Appetite!